Hello and Welcome!

When I was in the fourth grade my father taught me about stocks.  Ever since, I have been addicted to the markets.  My mind never stops thinking about this stuff so I started this blog as a way to share my insights, perspectives and research.  This is also a channel to better communicate with my clients.  It’s extremely important to me that they know both what I’m doing with their money and why I’m doing it.  The bulk of this site will revolve around the global markets and economies, but I’ll try to add a personal touch to spice it up.  So, to get things started, here are a few things you may not have known about me:

My life has taught me that experience is the best way to learn.  I’m a health nut. I enjoy spending time with family and friends.  I love a challenge.  I enjoy playing games that involve strategy.  I never stop questioning things.  Peanut Butter is my favorite food but I also love seafood (not together).  I fully believe in the importance of a work/life balance.  I enjoy reading non-fiction books about psychology, philosophy and strategy.  I really dislike talking about politics.  And, I hate matching and folding socks.

One last thing – while growing up, I was often a “problem child.”  I would question and challenge everything (you know, the kid that would do exactly what he was told not to as soon as the person turned around).  But, I think I know why now… because that’s how you learn!   I’m not one to simply accept things for what people say.  I constantly critique, question, study and improve them.   My promise to my clients and the readers of this blog is that I will never stop adapting to the changing markets, questioning conventional wisdom in search of a better/smarter way of managing money.

I hope you find it beneficial to follow my posts, and please feel welcome to share them with anyone you think would also enjoy them.



Nick Lumpp