I am the President of RCN Wealth Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor with the state of Maryland.  If you’re interested in exploring whether or not our firm would be a good fit for you, please read on to find out who we help and how we work.

My clients:

A big reason why I love what I do is that I have been privileged to work with and help some really interesting and great people.  I’ve also noticed over the past few years that most of my clients have a few things in common:

  • A large number of my clients tend be entrepreneurial.
  • Most of my clients are either retired or within 10 years of retirement.
  • Nearly all of my clients would rather be focusing on something other than their investments – family, career, hobbies, etc. – which is why they’ve hired me to manage their money
  • My clients are not expecting me to “beat the market” every year.  They’re more interested in having their investments on track to reach their personal goals
  • All of my clients have instilled their trust in me.  A lot of people would say this is a given, but what I mean by trust is that my clients understand that it’s best for them to not get involved with the minute details and execution of their investment plan.  They hire me to implement the plan and manage ongoing risk so they don’t have to worry about it.

The last point is a tough one for many people to come to terms with.  If you’re a “do-it-yourselfer” or need to be involved with every decision, I’m probably not the right advisor for you.  I truly believe it’s in my client’s best interest to separate these decision-making responsibilities as nearly everyone is emotionally tied to their money, and when you make an emotional decision in the markets, it’s typically not the right one.

I expect my clients to keep me informed with their lives and any important changes, and they expect me to keep them informed of the decisions I’m making with their money and why.


How I work:

I act as a fiduciary for my clients, providing objective advice with their best interests at the forefront.

My goal is to get to know each client on a personal level.  After discussing things like your lifestyle, goals, & concerns, we work together to build a customized Investment Policy Statement that will set the guidelines of how I am to manage your money.  We never take custody of assets – all accounts are set up with independent custodians.

Most people will say that I am not your typical financial advisor from an investment management perspective.  While I fully believe in diversification and investing for the long-haul, I don’t believe in diversification to meet a static “model” that was created using historical data.  I think my industry is wrong in this respect and unfortunately many investors have become frustrated and distrustful because of it.

I also believe that many investors can benefit from the use of options within their portfolio – especially in or near retirement.  Options are, in my opinion, one of the most misunderstood financial securities.  When used properly though, they can be a great way to add value, manage volatility, and boost the yield of a portfolio.  Not every client is comfortable with options, which is completely understandable, but a lot are after discussing how they can be a beneficial addition to their investment plan.

If you’re curious about our Investment Principles & Process, and want to explore whether working together would be a good fit, I welcome you to call or email me to set up a complimentary 1 hour appointment.

Thanks for checking out my blog and this page!



For more information on working with me, please check out my profile on GuideVine by clicking here.